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Caleb Coe

Being healthy does not have to be overly difficult or expensive. It is about slowly changing your habits and lifestyle in a sustainable and practical manner. Here are 5 free ways to dramatically improve your health.


Sleep is another easy step that most people do not take seriously, yet the benefits are staggering. Sleeping 8-9 hours is crucial for recovery and a smooth rehab.

Couple tips to help you get quality sleep:

  • Go to bed and wake up at consistent times (even the weekend)

  • Make it a priority

  • Don't look at screens for 1-2 hours before bed

  • 30 min before bed read a book

  • Keep the room pitch black

  • Turn your phone on airplane mode an hour before bed

  • Don't get on social media an hour before bed

  • Keep the room cool 68 degrees is good

  • Wear blue light blockers (if they are cheap/not red lens they probably don't work)

  • Get red light - brand matters so much here. Gembared has low cost options with low flicker and low EMF unlike bigger companies like Joov. Code BCP10 for 10% off!


Committing to at-least 30 minutes of walking a day can make a big impact on your health. It doesn't have to be all at once if you are super busy. You could always commit to 3 x 10 min after breakfast, lunch and dinner if that works better for you. This is huge for mobility, cardiovascular health, mental health, and just being a human. Bonus points for being outside in nature.


Get outside in the sun for 10-30 min in the mornings. Even if it is cloudy out or gloomy get outside and get the sun on your skin. I would prioritize morning sun and if you could get another 10-30 minutes in in the afternoon/evening that is bonus. Again, walks are a great time to get some sun. If you are able to go for a walk outside on your lunch break try to expose as much skin as possible (don't get arrested).

4. EAT MORE PROTEIN - not really that free

Without fail, people are shocked by the amount of protein they should be consuming. We recommend 30-40 g of protein PER MEAL. Not only is this essential for active individuals to build muscle and recover but as we age protein consumption is crucial for preventing muscle wasting. Grabbing a protein shake is a easy way to get your protein needs if you are struggling to get them each meal.


We are a pleasure seeking society. Social media is so addictive because it lights up our brain, secretes a ton of dopamine, and feels good. Take time throughout the week to unplug from social media, music, people, etc. Workout without music, read a book, go for a walk by yourself, sit on the porch and watch a sunset are all good examples. Take a second to stop, breathe and just sit in silence with no distractions and no pleasure.

There you have it folks, 5 FREE things you can do to dramatically improve your health and life. Only works if you do it! Till next time!



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Big Cat Performance and Physical Therapy
8516 Cleveland Ave NW, North Canton, OH 44720  

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