What sepArates us
We are physical therapists AND strength coaches that specialize in ACL rehab. Meaning not only do we know how to rehab you but we also know how to improve your performance. Our sessions are a seamless blend of performance and rehab that allows you to improve your athleticism and decrease your risk of injury.
An ACL tear is a result of a brain error, when the brain is overwhelmed resulting in injury. Just focusing on strength, speed, or power is not enough and leaves you vulnerable to re-injury.
We will get you stronger, faster, and more confident. But we also work on the neurocognitive abilities of each athlete, which is a huge missing piece in current ACL programs.
We help athletes not overcompensate with their visual system and move without thinking about the knee. We train your decision and reaction time to further decrease risk of injury.
For athletes that buy into our program, we will make you more confident, skilled and injury resistant that before your injury. Our job is for you to leave us a better athlete than before your injury.